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Beef Basic Demo Ground Beef Processing Steps

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Having quick and easy ready-to-eat meals at home is a great style to be prepared. This easy tutorial for pressure canning meat is the perfect solution. The raw pack method is easy to follow and you tin simply add the meat to soups, stews, casseroles or eat direct out of the jar!

Quart sized mason jars filled with raw meat.

When you live on a homestead or want to be prepared with piece of cake pantry meals without buying store-bought options (filled with unknown ingredients), having jars of canned meat on hand is a actually dandy pick.

One of our best tips for preparedness (especially in case of a winter storm or ability outage) is to diversify your food storage. It does y'all no good to accept hundreds of pounds of meat, packaged and frozen when the power goes out. Not only will you Non want to get into those freezers if the power is out, but likely, you won't accept an easy manner to cook them.

Canned meat is the perfect solution. It's fully cooked, tender, juicy and packed full of season. You can eat it directly from the jar (if needed), or add together information technology to casseroles, stews, and stews.

Why Should Yous Learn to Can Meat?

  1. Preparedness – As I mentioned above, information technology's a not bad mode to exist prepared.
  2. Convenience Meals – There will inevitably be those times when you lot've had a long hard day, and cooking up a repast from scratch is the very last thing you lot want to exist doing at the finish of the day. Having some set up-made food on hand tin can actually relieve the day!
  3. Information technology Saves Freezer Space – If you're a hunting family or raise your ain meat, or just like to buy meat in bulk, yous know how precious freezer space can get. Existence able to can some of the meat you get tin really help save valuable infinite for other items that are best frozen.
  4. Information technology Tastes Amazing – Hopefully, your heed isn't thinking almost store-bought canned meat, that's a completely different food birthday. Bootleg canned meat tastes similar the most tender roast you've ever eaten! The meat is juicy, tender and packed full of flavor (for actress flavor, exist sure to add the optional salt to each jar!).
  5. BONUS – Each jar volition create an astonishing broth! Be sure to utilize this in your soup or utilize it as a base for gravy.

Tin can You lot H2o Bathroom Can Meat?

No, yous cannot water bathroom can meat. No exceptions. A water bathroom simply does not get to a high enough temperature to make nutrient safe for storage.

Do I Have to Use a Pressure Canner to Tin can Meat?

Yes, 100% you must use a force per unit area canner to can meat. A force per unit area canner is mandatory because meat is a low-acid food. A pressure canner is the but way to become the meat up to a loftier enough temperature, for a long plenty time to make it safe for food storage.

Don't be intimidated by your pressure level canner. I know nosotros've all heard stories of great-great-grandma blowing up her pressure cooker while cooking in the kitchen. But nowadays, pressure canners come with so many built-in safety mechanisms that yous'll have ample warning earlier anything that drastic happens.

If you lot want more tips and tricks, plus an in-depth canning class, check out our canning class here. Carolyn will walk you through the whole process, from kickoff to finish, and teach yous step-by-footstep methods to safely can at home.

Raw Pack Method for Pressure Canning Meat

Woman holding a bowl of cubed raw venison with canning jars on the counter in front of her.

The process for canning meat is very bones and straight-forward. I always recommend starting with make clean and dry canning jars and starting the water heating in your pressure canner.

And then, have all your meat (whether beefiness, venison or other wild game) cubed and ready to go. That ways removing backlog fatty, silver peel, and gristle, etc. This will make the overall process much quicker.

Woman adding cubed meat into a quart sized canning jar.

With clean hands, fill your jars with cubed meat upwards to the shoulder, leaving nearly one-inch caput space. I'thousand using quart jars, just you lot could also apply pint jars if you lot have a smaller family.

Woman adding salt to jars of raw meat.

Add 1 teaspoon common salt to each jar, if desired. The salt in this recipe is purely optional. I like to add information technology for flavor, simply information technology'south not needed for any preservation benefits. If using pint-sized jars, scale the salt down to ½ teaspoon.

Woman adding boiling water to jars of raw, cubed venison.

Cascade boiling h2o into each jar, filling with only a couple inches of water. The meat will release its juices during the canning process and create a very flavorful broth.

Woman wiping the rims of her quart sized mason jars filled with raw venison.

Wipe the rims of your jars with a clean, damp cloth. This will remove any food particles to ensure a proper seal.

Later this step, I like to take my clean finger and run it along the rims of the jars, feeling for any chips or knicks in the jar, or food particles or dried on salt that may not accept been removed with the textile.

Woman screwing on canning lids to her quart sized jars of cubed venison.

Add together lids and rings to jars, tightening just to finger-tight. No need to wrench the lids on with all your strength. Just tighten as much as you lot tin using only your fingertips.

Woman lowering a jar of venison into a pressure canner.

With the estrus to your canner turned off, carefully lower your jars into the force per unit area canner and set on a rack within the canner. Once all jars are loaded, put the hat onto your canner following the manufacturer's instructions.

Woman sealing the lid of her pressure canner.

Turn the estrus dorsum on and let the pressure to build up without the rocker or weighted gauge on. One time steam is pouring out through the valve, set up a timer and allow it to proceed venting for 10 minutes.

Afterward steam has vented for 10 minutes, add your weighted estimate (or jiggler, or rocker, etc.) and allow pressure to come up until dial gauge reads ten pounds (for sea level, adjust accordingly for higher elevations. I use a xv-pound weight.).

Once pressure is reached, keep the pressure steady for ninety minutes of processing time. After xc minutes of full pressure level has passed, permit the pressure to release naturally.

When pressure level is released, remove jars and allow them to cool completely on the counter for 16-24 hours. (Use a canning tool to remove every bit they will exist hot jars.)

After 24 hours it is safety to remove the rings, cheque for proper seal and make clean jars upward as needed.

If you lot happen to have a jar that didn't seal properly, simply put it in the refrigerator and savour it within a few days.

Other Canning Recipes & Tutorials:

  • Preservation 101: Introduction to Canning
  • Preparing for Canning Season
  • How to Water Bath Can
  • Pressure Canning Mistakes – Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes
  • Canning Mistakes to Avoid When Water Bath & Force per unit area Canning
  • Can I Pressure Can in the Instant Pot?
  • Where To Find Canning Supplies When There's a Shortage
  • The Abundant Pantry: Canning fifteen Minute Pantry Meals
  • How to Store Your Canning Bands
  • How to Pressure Tin Black Beans
  • How to SAFELY Tin Raw Chicken
  • How to Can Beefiness Stew for Easy Convenience Meals
  • Canning Os Broth or Stock (Chicken, Beef, or Vegetable)
  • Piece of cake White Bean Chicken Chili – Force per unit area Canning Recipe
  • How to Make Pickles (Pickled Cucumber Recipe & All-time Canning Method)

quart sized mason jars filled with raw venison meat.

  • Quart sized wide-mouth jars (or pint jars, if preferred)

  • Pressure Canner

  • Canning Funnel

  • Lids and rings

  • Clean rag or two

  • Raw red meat, cubed (lamb, beef, venison, elk, moose, other wild game, etc.)
  • 1 tsp Salt per quart jar (optional, for flavoring)
  • Boiling H2o
  • Become h2o boiling in your force per unit area canner.

  • With make clean hands, pack the meat into the jars filling the jars to the shoulder (exit most an inch of headspace). Don't pack the meat likewise tightly, you want the liquid to be able to move around the meat.

  • Add common salt to each jar if desired.

  • Add together a couple of inches of boiling water to each jar.

  • Wipe rim clean with a clammy rag, and then dry the rims.

  • Run a clean finger effectually the summit of the jar to check for common salt particles or knicks in the jar. Any disturbance on the rim volition prevent sealing.

  • Add together lid and rings then place into your pressure canner.

  • Identify jars into the canner ON A RACK so they're off the bottom of the pressure canner (this prevents the jars from jumping around and possibly breaking).

  • Bring pressure canner up to pressure level with the weighted gauge off (or jiggler, or rocker, etc.).

  • Allow pressure to build upward until steam is pouring out the vent. Allow steam to vent for ten minutes earlier calculation your weight and starting your fourth dimension.

  • Later steam has vented for x minutes, add together your weight (or jiggler, or rocker, etc.) and permit pressure to come until dial gauge reads 10 pounds (at sea level, conform accordingly for higher elevations).

  • In one case pressure is reached, keep pressure for 90 minutes.

  • Once ninety minutes of full pressure has passed, allow the pressure to release naturally. Once pressure is released, remove jars and allow them to cool completely on the counter for xvi-24 hours.

  • Remove the rings and clean jars up as needed.

  • Exact amounts are not listed as it will vary based on how much meat you start with. Information technology's nice to have an idea of approximately how many cups of cubed meat you're starting with so you lot know approximately how many jars you'll need.
  • As I mentioned, the salt in this recipe is purely optional. I like to add together it for flavour, merely information technology's not needed for any preservation benefits.
  • Add water to your pressure canner and turn it on high while filling your jars with meat. That manner it's ready for you when the jars are full.
  • Turn rut off to pressure level canner while loading the jars in. Place jars into the canner ON A RACK so they're off the bottom of the pressure canner (this prevents the jars from jumping around and possibly breaking).
  • To employ your canned meat, simply open a jar and add to soup, stew, goulash, etc. Make a sandwich with these like shooting fish in a barrel dinner rolls, or simply heat and swallow direct from the jar!

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