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How to Make Gauntlet Cheese Tier Seven Mousehunt


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Sidequest: The King's Gauntlet

  • You need to be at least a Hero to earn access to the King's Gauntlet.
  • First obtain a stolen Crown Jewel from a Master Burglar mouse in the Town of Gnawnia or the Bazaar.
    • The Master Burglar mouse is only attracted to either Gilded or Super Brie cheese.
    • Gilded cheese can be obtained from the Burglar mice in either the Harbour, Laboratory, or the Bazaar (the Bazaar probably has a higher population of Burglars, but the Laboratory allows you to collect Radioactive Blue potions at the same time). Burglar mice are most attracted to Brie cheese.
  • Once you have obtained the Crown Jewel, go to the Bazaar. There is a Cartographer there, who can make you a copy of the King's Gauntlet Floor Plans for 50,000 gold and the safe return of the Crown Jewel.
  • The King's Gauntlet is in the "Valour" region, and contains many "tiers", each harder than the last.
  • There is no need to travel between tiers; mice in each tier drop potions that can be used to create cheese needed to attract mice for the next tier.
  • Using regular cheese will attract mice from the first tier, the "puppet" tier:
    • Wound Up White
    • Hapless Marionette
    • Toy Sylvan
    • Clockwork Samurai
    • Puppet Master
    • Sock Puppet Ghost
  • It is recommended that you use Swiss or Marble instead of Brie, as the first tier mice give extremely low rewards.
  • Note that there is a cheese shoppe in the King's Gauntlet, that sells Swiss and Brie. The price here is the same as that in the Town of Gnawnia, thus saving you any return trips.
  • These mice are extremely easy to catch with most Physical or Tactical traps, and drop Gauntlet Potions Tier 2.
  • Note: If you happen to have the Ancient Gauntlet weapon, you may equip it to increase the drop rate of Tier 2 potions.
  • These potions can be used on either Super Brie, Swiss, or Marble to create Gauntlet Cheese Tier 2, used to attract mice from the second tier, the "thief" tier:
    • Impersonator
    • Lockpick
    • Escape Artist
    • Bandit
    • Stealth
    • Rogue
  • Tier 2 mice are best caught with Physical traps, and drop Gauntlet Potions Tier 3
  • Note that the Gauntlet cheese for each tier also has the recommended power type in its description.
  • The cheese made from those potions are used to attract mice from the third tier, the "melee" tier:
    • Fencer
    • Page
    • Beserker
    • Knight
    • Phalanx
    • Cavalier
  • Tier 3 mice are best caught with Tactical traps, and drop Gauntlet Potions Tier 4
  • The cheese made from those potions are used to attract mice from the fourth tier, the "bard" tier:
    • Cowbell
    • Drummer
    • Dancer
    • Fiddler
    • Guqin Player
  • Tier 4 mice are also best caught with Tactical traps, and drop Gauntlet Potions Tier 5
  • The cheese made from those potions are used to attract mice from the fifth tier, the "magic" tier:
    • Black Mage
    • Terra
    • Ignis
    • Zephyr
    • Aquos
  • Tier 5 mice are best caught with Shadow traps, and drop Gauntlet Potions Tier 6
  • The cheese made from those potions are used to attract mice from the sixth tier, the "noble" tier:
    • Sacred Shrine
    • White Mage
    • Paladin
  • Tier 6 mice are best caught with Arcane traps, and drop Gauntlet Potions Tier 7
  • The cheese made from those potions are used to attract mice from the seventh tier, the "dust" tier:
    • Necromancer
    • Fiend
  • Tier 7 mice are best caught with Hydro traps, and drop Gauntlet Potions Tier 8
  • The Fiend is worth 50,000 gold per catch!
  • The cheese made from those potions are used to attract the sole mouse of the eighth and final tier, the Eclipse Mouse.
  • It is best caught with a Forgotten trap. They give a 300,000 gold reward upon capture!
  • Summary:
    Tier Theme Rec. Power Type
    1 "Puppet" Physical/Tactical
    2 "Thief" Physical
    3 "Melee" Tactical
    4 "Bard" Tactical
    5 "Magic" Shadow
    6 "Noble" Arcane
    7 "Dust" Hydro
    8 Eclipse Forgotten

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How to Make Gauntlet Cheese Tier Seven Mousehunt
